ipld / specs

Content-addressed, authenticated, immutable data structures
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Questions regarding IPLD-covered file types #253

Open DonaldTsang opened 4 years ago

DonaldTsang commented 4 years ago
  1. Here are a list of places where they recommend file type identifiers
  2. Judging from the list of file type identifiers, would it be good to standardize file formats that can be decomposed into IPLD, and is part of the standards of the respective file type identifiers? Preferably fido and siegfried as a "must have" and jhove, droid and tika as "could have"?
vmx commented 4 years ago

Thanks for bringing this up, it's the first time I hear about file format identification (I only knew the file tool on Linux so far).

would it be good to standardize file formats that can be decomposed into IPLD,

I don't think IPLD is there yet. Currently we are working on a data structures level and very simple, mostly general purpose serialization of that data. Some special purpose data structures like Git objects or various Blockchain blocks can also be represented in IPLD. It's still a long way to go, to make full fileformats representable in IPLD.