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Introduce "EDITING.md". #264

Closed warpfork closed 4 years ago

warpfork commented 4 years ago

Some content in here covers recommended places to contact the team and other community members; some is about checklists of concerns we use when considering changes; some of it is about sheer syntax. Bit of a grab bag.

The part I'm most interested in getting up and out is the considerations checklist. This list gathers a bunch of items we already informally check through when considering new ideas... and it seems to be enough of this list is full of recurring (yet also terribly easy to forget on a bad day) concerns, so we might as well document it -- both for ourselves and for others.

This is a pretty rough first draft for all this content. It might belong in other files, it might be better split up, some of it might be better left informal, I dunno. Review welcome.

rvagg commented 4 years ago


I'm hesitant introducing a new top level document. It's also too long and will likely not be read by most people approaching this repo wanting to make changes. It either needs a TL;DR at the top, or be compacted a bit more. If this lands, maybe I'll have a go at squishing it down.

warpfork commented 4 years ago

I'm hesitant introducing a new top level document.

If this lands, maybe I'll have a go at squishing it down.

^ thumbs up to both.

It's also not in the magic location that will make github UI nudge people about it in PR creation (I think that's "CONTRIBUTING.md"?), which may or may not be something to consider as well.

warpfork commented 4 years ago

Made some fixes; thanks for the link filling in; sounds generally positive so I'm gonna merge.

And then, yeah, feel free to pick up the baton and carry this further... :+1: