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WIP codec completeness (don't look at this) #281

Closed rvagg closed 3 years ago

rvagg commented 4 years ago

I'm pushing this because I need to switch to something else for a little while and don't want to lose it (forget about the branch). It's a WIP edit of @warpfork's gist on this subject https://gist.github.com/warpfork/28f93bee7184a708223274583109f31c

Last half is copypasta and waiting for some organising. I got a little bit stuck on the categories that I haven't resolved and it proved a temporary blocker to progress. The original gist has a clear separation between "completeness" and "fittedness" but I'm not convinced they are as separate as that and have been trying to find a way to mingle them more under the same banner. This partly comes from another feeling that there's a missing category or two that don't categorise clearly. I don't have clear-brain about this yet and don't feel quite deep enough in Eric's head to have the clarity he usually has on such things. So I need to revisit with some space.