ipld / specs

Content-addressed, authenticated, immutable data structures
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fix link and expand on map basic type. #313

Closed prataprc closed 3 years ago

prataprc commented 3 years ago

Since the default diff is line-oriented, and this markdown has each paragraph in a single line, this might help:

Normally I create an alias diffw for diff --color-words.

rvagg commented 3 years ago

Something funky happened to your branch @prataprc, would you mind doing a rebase and force push to clean it up? I don't think the wording you have about iteration order is going to work, there's something to be said about ordering but it's not that the order isn't stable. So maybe pull that bit out for now and we'll get the link fix in first.

warpfork commented 3 years ago

Not... sure what's going on here with the history, seems like maybe a rebase gone funky has made this appear to contain a lot more commits than intended... but that aside...

I'd be opposed to the change that Rod already highlighted. Many things do have defined iteration orders. Some systems, like Selectors, also depend on stability (n.b., only stability -- not necessarily sortedness) in iteration orders in order to expose predictable/deterministic behavior at higher levels. (And that, yet further, is sometimes critical to performance -- for example, Graphsync, which builds on Selectors, would have serious issues with memory required for state tracking if it had to receive information in unpredictable orders.)

We need to get this into the specs repo, but my latest writing on the ordering situation can currently be found here as a gist if this helps clarify anything: https://gist.github.com/warpfork/9315eac9848fa2c2ab36174272a80d9b

prataprc commented 3 years ago

My bad, was trying to slice the modifications per file and track it via separate branches. Thanks for the clarification about order preserving maps.

rvagg commented 3 years ago

:thumbsup: thanks