ipni / specs

:book: Technical Specification of IPNI Protocols
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Add reader's privacy specification #5

Closed ischasny closed 6 months ago

ischasny commented 1 year ago

This PR introduces IPNI reader's privacy specification. This is a part of larger IPFS privacy programme TODO: paste link here once it's done.

ischasny commented 1 year ago

Thanks @masih , great suggestion on adding a mermaid diagram - done.

BigLep commented 1 year ago

Hi IPNI team. No pressure/rush on this, but I wanted to confirm that that will be an IPIP at some point to ipfs/specs for changes https://github.com/ipfs/specs/blob/main/routing/DELEGATED_CONTENT_ROUTING_HTTP.md and then a corresponding go-libipfs change to https://github.com/ipfs/go-libipfs/tree/main/routing/http

I'm asking to make sure I'm thinking about this right and planning for it accordingly. @Jorropo will be the POC to engage with from the EngRes IPFS Stewards side.

ischasny commented 1 year ago


Hi @BigLep - yes, that's the plan. Thanks for pointing that out.