# diagnostics
required module github.com/gabriel-vasile/mimetype@v1.4.4 retracted by module author: v1.4.4 had a test file detected as malicious by antivirus software. #575
required module github.com/microcosm-cc/bluemonday@v1.0.23 retracted by module author: Retract older versions as only latest is to be depended upon
# summary
Suggested version: v0.9.0
gocompat says:
HEAD is now at 76cde98e new version (#2674)
Previous HEAD position was 76cde98e new version (#2674)
Switched to branch 'main'
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'.
Automatically created GitHub Release
A draft GitHub Release has been created.
It is going to be published when this PR is merged.
You can modify its' body to include any release notes you wish to include with the release.
Suggested version:
Comparing to: v0.8.36 (diff)
Changes in configuration file(s):
says:Automatically created GitHub Release
A draft GitHub Release has been created. It is going to be published when this PR is merged. You can modify its' body to include any release notes you wish to include with the release.