ipno-llead / extraction

Extraction repo for the Innocence Project New Orleans' Louisiana Law Enforcement Accountability Database
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documents processing: "remainders" table #42

Open tarakc02 opened 2 years ago

tarakc02 commented 2 years ago

when we have appeal hearings for named officers that we can't match to a known officer UID, should output a "remainders" table of unmatched officers along with any additional information (date of hearing, for example) that could be useful for creating an initial personnel record. @ayyubibrahimi will incorporate this into the personnel table pipeline, generating new records/uids as necessary. Ayyub: I'll take a first pass and ping you here, but if you have specific requests for the shape of that table (e.g. what columns it should have, or what column names, etc). leave a comment on this issue.

ayyubibrahimi commented 2 years ago

Awesome. Thanks!