ipodmusicman / paradox-controller

Paradox bridge between Paradox alarm systems and MQTT
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Question around confirming connectivity #9

Open burghs opened 4 years ago

burghs commented 4 years ago

Hi there. So i managed to flash my D1 Mini with your sketch and I went through the process of connecting the D1 to my WiFi SSID . If I check the devices on my WiFi it appears to have an IP assigned so that seems ok. I then went to my Paradox Alarm control panel(SP6000) and connected the top RX Serial pin on SP6000 to the D1 TX and TX on the SP6000 Serial to the RX on the D1 as per the diagram. I have the D1 mini powered with a usb cable using a power pack.

I then added the same command set to the configuration.yaml in Home Assistant(as per below) but after restarting HASS not getting any info if i navigate to the entities regarding its state. I am not very familiar with Arduino IDE and how to troubleshoot through some form of console and I am unable to navigate to the device through its IP address. Is there a way that i can connect to the D1 mini through its wifi interface to see if the connection to the SP6000 is correct and check if there is TX/RX info happening ?

Paradox House Alarm


Paradox Alarm

would appreciate some guidance.


mrsnob commented 4 years ago

Hi I might be wrong but shouldn't you be connected on the ground of the panel, if you using a D1 mini use a buck converter between the aux power of panel and D1, I am going to try in the week using a node mcu as they take 12v input so won't need the buck converter.

burghs commented 4 years ago

Hi I might be wrong but shouldn't you be connected on the ground of the panel, if you using a D1 mini use a buck converter between the aux power of panel and D1, I am going to try in the week using a node mcu as they take 12v input so won't need the buck converter.

I have a buck converter that takes it from 12V on the panel to 5V and connected that to power the device using the GND and 5V connector. The part I am unsure about is how to "interface" with the device to see if there is any TX/RX traffic when in that configuration. When I have the D1 connected with a usb data cable to my PC(COM5) during the sketch flash I can see it connecting to my SSID etc but it pretty much stops once the device is connected to the WiFi with no more info in the Serial monitor in Arduino IDE. I enabled the logs as per ipodmusicman notes as well and saw it had trouble connecting to my MQTT server which I resolved and can confirm is in place now if i look at the MQTT logs in HASS.

Tried swapping the RX/TX around in case it was that and also restarted the actual alarm panel thinking it may only work once reset but still nothing so not sure what I am doing wrong.

mrsnob commented 4 years ago

Have you tried a program like MQTTlens and subscribed to the following topic: paradox/# Paradox MQTTlens

Did a test today and connected like you have and working perfect, note I had to move RX to RX and TX to TX.

burghs commented 4 years ago

Thanks for your time and suggestions, much appreciated. I actually DM'd maragelis(ParadoxRs232toMqtt)as well and he had the same suggestion around the MQTT client together with a couple other things to try around my config. What resolved it for me in the end was using the ParadoxRs232toMqtt sketch with Serial Swap 1 and moving the TX/RX from the SP6000 to D7 & D8 on my D1 mini. Once that was in place the MQTT client blew up with # topics associated to alarm zones and i am able to control it from HASS. #thisisawesome