ipodtouch0218 / NSMB-MarioVsLuigi

Standalone Unity remake of New Super Mario Bros DS' multiplayer gamemode, "Mario vs Luigi"
621 stars 280 forks source link

difference between real game and this #118

Open FiveSpade opened 1 year ago

FiveSpade commented 1 year ago

This game has way longer I-frames then the original MvL, you might think this is a better quality of life change however this removed all of the fire flower-shell/combos in the org game you could hit with ff for a stun then jump on head during stun for a knockdown gaining you 2 stars however in this game that isnt possible which brings the problem of having a very low skill ceiling because the only way to take stars is one at a time with super long time inbetween. Next issue is how shells work, shells as well as shell Mario are supposed to Knockdown when hit while in this game all it does is make you take damage.

FiveSpade commented 1 year ago

oh also make ground pounds and dives while flying cancelable not having this makes edge guarding impossible without fire or ice flower

FiveSpade commented 1 year ago

also make a cooldown between ff bursts, having just the "only 2 fireballs on screen a time" works for everything but edge guarding, it makes it impossible to escape from a hole which is just a free 2 stars for the person with ff.

FiveSpade commented 1 year ago

also you cant bump into people with star power, you go through them you dont get your speed stopped when you run into some w SP

SLG64 commented 1 year ago

Well, this game is not an exact replica of the original Mario Vs Luigi.

FiveSpade commented 1 year ago

Well, this game is not an exact replica of the original Mario Vs Luigi.

I think I gave good reasoning for listing all of my points and I’m pretty sure they’re all fair but could you list a specific problem you have?

SLG64 commented 1 year ago

To be honest, I think the glitches are the worst thing to have in the game.

ipodtouch0218 commented 1 year ago

also make a cooldown between ff bursts, having just the "only 2 fireballs on screen a time" works for everything but edge guarding, it makes it impossible to escape from a hole which is just a free 2 stars for the person with ff.

This is already a thing. You can shoot up to 6 fireballs, with each burst of 2 requiring a cooldown of 1.25s. It's most notable when shooting fireballs on the ceiling of Bricks.