ipodtouch0218 / NSMB-MarioVsLuigi

Standalone Unity remake of New Super Mario Bros DS' multiplayer gamemode, "Mario vs Luigi"
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Feature: Adding a setting to turn automatic blueshells on and off #146

Open RealGranfill opened 1 year ago

RealGranfill commented 1 year ago

You know how blueshells in the original new super mario bros can make you into a shell if you sprint long enough?

Well, for me, it was a little annoying just sprinting and automatically turn into a blue shell, so can you make it a setting which you can turn on and off? Thanks!

ipodtouch0218 commented 1 year ago

Blue shells automatically running is by design. Even if it's annoying, it being accurate to the original is more important IMO.

It also makes blue shells have a downside, as being inside the shell has you move at 90% running speed. You get slightly harder to control movement for being able to directly damage people (instead of just doing knockback)