ipodtouch0218 / NSMB-MarioVsLuigi

Standalone Unity remake of New Super Mario Bros DS' multiplayer gamemode, "Mario vs Luigi"
621 stars 280 forks source link

Suggestion(s): Miscellaneous Content #160

Open SLG64 opened 1 year ago

SLG64 commented 1 year ago

There are some things that could be useful or fun for later updates, and I think a list of the players' names would be cool. I also thought certain items could be activated/deactivated as well as listed like the players list. As well as more power-ups and maps, I thought there should be more characters and colors. Of course, that was already mentioned and could take a while, but it would be cool to see! Thanks for taking your time to read this!

PoketrainerMS commented 1 year ago

here let me fix your formatting so its more clear

i think thats what you were trying to say

PoketrainerMS commented 1 year ago

id like to note most of these have already been asked for like 5 times in separate issues

SLG64 commented 1 year ago

Dang, that was crazy fast, but yeah that is what I was attempting to say. Thanks for listing it out.

Amy54Desu commented 1 year ago

Most of these I think are planned, especially the item toggle

SLG64 commented 1 year ago

I have a couple more ideas that most likely have been asked for.

Amy54Desu commented 1 year ago

I have a couple more ideas that most likely have been asked for.

  • The Nintendo DS minigames that appear in both NSMBDS and SM64DS would be cool to play against (an)other player(s).
  • Team Modes.
  • Coin Rush and other minigames from future New Super Mario Bros. games.
  • Add friends and send friend requests.
  • Full-Screen Mode for Itch.io.
  • Tutorials for new player(s).

Nintendo DS minigames are not planned, team mode is planned and even was shown in the server, coin rush and other minigames also is a thing I believe is planned, though I'm not sure how Coin Rush would really work since you cod just stand in one place for it. Add friends and send friend requests you have Discord for that and would require an accounts system for MvLO. Full-screen mode on Itch.io is probably missing because it's not possible, if it was then it would've been implemented already, and a tutorial isn't really needed, it's very simple game, a video for how to get good is there though.

SLG64 commented 1 year ago


I kind of like this logo. I just need the original to compare.

SLG64 commented 1 year ago

Shouldn't new players get a tips and tricks guide?

SLG64 commented 1 year ago

Give this guy a reward for getting 99 stars!


SLG64 commented 1 year ago

Honestly, I am impressed they had the patience to reach 99 stars...