iprodanovbg / homeassistant-desktop

🎛 Desktop application (Windows / macOS / Linux) for Home Assistant built with Electron
Apache License 2.0
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Home Assistant Desktop does not start #43

Open ifuchs opened 2 months ago

ifuchs commented 2 months ago

I am trying to run HA Desktop Assistnat v 1.5.3 on MacOS Sonoma 14.4. When I start it, no window ever appears. It used to run and the server address is correct. I can connect via the web so the server is working properly. These tasks are running after I start it:

Screenshot 2024-04-15 at 8 53 39 AM

Also, if I start it form the CLI, this is what I get: ./Home\ Assistant\ Desktop 08:45:05.405 › homeassistant-desktop started 08:45:05.410 › Platform: darwin arm64 08:45:05.438 › Checking for update objc[28725]: Class WebSwapCGLLayer is implemented in both /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/WebCore.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/libANGLE-shared.dylib (0x26a65e270) and /Applications/Home Assistant Desktop.app/Contents/Frameworks/Electron Framework.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libGLESv2.dylib (0x1066c2978). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined. 08:45:06.433 › Update for version 1.5.3 is not available (latest version: 1.5.3, downgrade is disallowed). 08:45:06.441 › Initialized main window 08:45:06.582 › Initialized Tray menu 08:45:06.602 › Initialized availability check

I have also tried the ios app which used to run under MAcOS and it shows a window and says it is Loading Data, which then times out and it continues to try to load data unsuccessfully. SInce the browser has no problem, I don't know why the apps no longer work.