ipsha21 / altruism-in-tech

Promoting diversity and inclusion in tech by connecting newcomers with tech professionals.
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Brainstorming on the features for the website #9

Open ipsha21 opened 7 years ago

ipsha21 commented 7 years ago

A brief list of features that the website would primarily involve:

Feel free to suggest changes, improvements, or more ideas for features to be included in the website. Thanks! 😄

share-with-me commented 7 years ago

List of some amazing features indeed :D. I am myself working on a set of features that we could integrate with the above. However, from the above list, I have few questions:

Setting up a meet, if mutually accepted by both parties

This meeting is online right (seems obvious but still :P)?

Platform for ask-to-answer?

Something like stackoverflow? I myself planned to integrate this feature. My vote definitely in favour!

Displaying a database of registered mentors

Will this get too exhaustive with the number of mentors that will register on the website (are we looking at pagination?) ? Also, what will this database table hold? Mentor details and their field of expertise (and..) perhaps a button in the database itself that will take to the profile page of the mentor?

Searching the database with keywords or tags

Yep, feature will greatly enhance with this functionality.

In addition to the above, a few features that I have in mind:

I would keep on adding to this list as and when something pops in my mind.

pransh15 commented 7 years ago

This meeting is online right (seems obvious but still :P)?

Yes, obviously!

Something like stackoverflow? I myself planned to integrate this feature. My vote definitely in favour!

Yes, something like stackoverflow!

Will this get too exhaustive with the number of mentors that will register on the website (are we looking at pagination?) ? Also, what will this database table hold? Mentor details and their field of expertise (and..) perhaps a button in the database itself that will take to the profile page of the mentor?

We can section them out according to their field of expertise so that right from the landing page, would the mentee have an idea about where to go to learn say, Ruby on Rails and the Mentors would be listed accordingly. Mentor Details, Field of Expertise, Previous Projects, A brief welcoming intro, Favorite Food(Cause, why not!?), suggest some more.

Yep, feature will greatly enhance with this functionality.

Right on the landing page, the Mentee could go Python and whoosh, the Mentors available would show up, is my idea. What say?

The other features you mentioned, great! I'll add some features if something hits me.

ipsha21 commented 7 years ago

Hi @share-with-me, sorry for such a late response. @pransh15 cleared covered most of it (thanks!), but just a quick walk through your pointers:

What will this database table hold?

An optional picture, name, affiliation, location. Clicking on the name/picture should land us on their profile, which brings me to the next point that you mentioned - an individual profile page for each mentor. We can discuss things to be included here: https://github.com/ipsha21/altruism-in-tech/issues/12

For each account, a tab which lists the pending meetings, current status of the task (that the parties were discussing), and ability to add reminders, integrate calendars, cancel or setup new meetings, etc. (to be thought in detail)

That's a brilliant addition on what I missed out, thanks. :) Would love to discuss this in detail, feel free to open an issue about this. :)

Perhaps a feature where the mentor and mentee could share screen and virtual text editor and code editor that would make it very convenient for the mentors to explain.

I had a more general idea in my mind, of only setting up the meeting (without really going into the execution part of how the meeting would be conducted - given that we already have loads of applications for that and users can choose with more flexibility, depending on their needs and ease), but I'm still open to the idea and we can work something out. What do you think?

A functionality (extended chat) to enable audio/video calls between mentor and mentee (at their will obviously).

Again, more in favor of the existing solutions like Skype or Hangouts. Opinions?

amirad commented 7 years ago

I was thinking, is there a rating process or something we can do? Or surveys.

So if you meet a mentor/mentee you can say how they helped you which would be valuable for others to see. Something that is engaging and boosts mentors profiles over time. Ex. Leave a quote or testimonial for the mentor!

ipsha21 commented 7 years ago

@amirad Yes, we could definitely set up some sort of recommendation/endorsement feature where mentees can write a testimonial for the mentor's profile. Also, a count of number of successful calls the mentor has been a part of.

Thanks for suggesting this. :)

amirad commented 7 years ago

Yessss @ipsha21 I'm thinking of ways that mentors can gain credibility on the platform and showcase how they have supported people. It will be a good incentive to be a mentor and they will feel appreciated after.