ipshipyard / waterworks-community

Discussion and documentation concerning the operation of the IPFS HTTP Gateway at https://ipfs.io/ipfs.
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Landing pages for gateways at ipfs.io, dweb.link, trustles-gateway.link #15

Open lidel opened 3 months ago

lidel commented 3 months ago

This is followu-up for verbal discussed in one of recent meetings between Shipyard and IPFS Foundation. cc @cewood @mishmosh @2color for visibility and feedback.


We want to reduce confusion by having meaningful landing pages at public utilities such as https://ipfs.io, https://dweb.link, and https://trustless-gateway.link

https://ipfs.io is the biggest problem, it redirects to project website, creating an impression the IPFS Project and Shipyard-run gateways are the same thing.

Below is my first stab at describing current state + what I would do to "fix" the confusion.

Proposed information





TBD. We could have separate repos, but I'd like to keep this contained and easy to review/maintain.

MVP does not have to be involved. We have about.ipfs.io at https://github.com/ipfs-shipyard/ipfsio-about.

We could reuse ipfsio-about repo and setup, and have landing pages at:

And then set up Nginx for non-/ip[nf]s on these domains as reverse-proxies for these URLs.

I think this makes things easier to land, @mishmosh can review above URLs before we deploy Nginx configs and publish them at roots of these domains. And we can apply changes across all of them via a single PR to a single repository.
