ipspace / netlab

Making virtual networking labs suck less
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Containerlab directory no longer removed with latest update of CL #218

Closed JulioPDX closed 2 years ago

JulioPDX commented 2 years ago
(venv) juliopdx@containerlab:~/repos/cl-nst-demo/priv$ netlab version
netsim-tools version 1.1.3-post1
(venv) juliopdx@containerlab:~/repos/cl-nst-demo/priv$ sudo containerlab version

                           _                   _       _     
                 _        (_)                 | |     | |    
 ____ ___  ____ | |_  ____ _ ____   ____  ____| | ____| | _  
/ ___) _ \|  _ \|  _)/ _  | |  _ \ / _  )/ ___) |/ _  | || \ 
( (__| |_|| | | | |_( ( | | | | | ( (/ /| |   | ( ( | | |_) )
\____)___/|_| |_|\___)_||_|_|_| |_|\____)_|   |_|\_||_|____/ 

    version: 0.24.0
     commit: c6ff2176
       date: 2022-02-22T13:50:23Z
     source: https://github.com/srl-labs/containerlab
 rel. notes: https://containerlab.srlinux.dev/rn/0.24/

When trying to "down" the topology, the following error is seen.

(venv) juliopdx@containerlab:~/repos/cl-nst-demo/priv$ time netlab down server.yml 

Step 1: Checking virtualization provider installation
.. all tests succeeded, moving on

Step 2: stopping the lab
INFO[0000] Parsing & checking topology file: clab.yml   
ERRO[0000] error deleting lab directory: unlinkat /home/juliopdx/repos/cl-nst-demo/priv/clab-ebgp/B/flash: directory not empty 
INFO[0000] Destroying lab: ebgp                         
INFO[0001] Removed container: clab-ebgp-B               
INFO[0002] Removed container: clab-ebgp-A               
INFO[0002] Removed container: clab-ebgp-E               
INFO[0002] Removed container: clab-ebgp-F               
INFO[0002] Removed container: clab-ebgp-C               
INFO[0002] Removed container: clab-ebgp-G               
INFO[0002] Removed container: clab-ebgp-D               
INFO[0002] Removing containerlab host entries from /etc/hosts file 

Thank you as always!

ipspace commented 2 years ago

Considering that all we're doing is executing sudo containerlab destroy -t clab.yml --cleanup, and that the INFO messages are generated by containerlab, I'd say it's their bug, not ours ;)

Thanks for reporting it -- @jbemmel, do you have a direct link to the containerlab team, otherwise I'll raise an issue in their GitHub repo.

JulioPDX commented 2 years ago

Considering that all we're doing is executing sudo containerlab destroy -t clab.yml --cleanup, and that the INFO messages are generated by containerlab, I'd say it's their bug, not ours ;)

Thanks for reporting it -- @jbemmel, do you have a direct link to the containerlab team, otherwise I'll raise an issue in their GitHub repo.

More than happy to open an issue on the CL github repo. Thank you, Ivan!

jbemmel commented 2 years ago

Fixed in 0.24.1 https://github.com/srl-labs/containerlab/issues/799

ipspace commented 2 years ago

That was fast. Thanks a million!