ipstreet312 / freeiptv

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Add Equidia #12

Closed schumijo closed 12 months ago

schumijo commented 1 year ago


Do you think it is possible to add Equidia streams ?

Strem url change on each connection but can be obtain with this method : Open this link : https://api.equidia.fr/api/public/racing/directs/live2/hls?urlOnly=true to obtain a php file that contain m3u8 URL.

Or maybe use the m3u8 file from here : http://callofliberty.fr/stream/EQUIDIA/master.m3u8

ipstreet312 commented 1 year ago

Hello thank you for your interest and given infos. Unfortunately I dont have deep php skills for a solution. Best regards see you soon

mikhoul commented 1 year ago

Right now I don't have the time but after september I will look at it to see if I can make a php script.

ipstreet312 commented 1 year ago

ooh ! thank you a lot, bests & cheers

schumijo commented 1 year ago

I don't think it is necessary to do a PHP script. Just do some GET with python to obtain content of PHP file as you did with other channels. Maybe I will take a look next days

ipstreet312 commented 1 year ago

Yes thank you a lot, just it is referring two link in cascade with intermediary, that's why i was not sure to be able to use a GET with py done like easily directly for some channels in the m3u. Thanks again & bests !

ipstreet312 commented 11 months ago

Hi again @schumijo thank you a lot and very much for equidia, and i fixed the master presentation in m3u issue from my side. Bests

schumijo commented 11 months ago

Hi @ipstreet312 You can find all Equidia streams in my repo https://github.com/schumijo/iptv/tree/main/parser