iptc / sport-schema

The next generation of sports data, based on IPTC’s SportsML and semantic web principles
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should percentage stats be defined as integers? #184

Open bquinn opened 2 months ago

bquinn commented 2 months ago


    spbkbstat:reboundsTotalPercentage rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
        rdfs:label "reboundsTotalPercentage"@en ; 
        rdfs:comment "The percentage of rebounds total compared to total number of attempts."@en ;
        rdfs:domain sport:Participation ;  
        rdfs:range xsd:integer ; 
        rdf:isDefinedBy <https://sportschema.org/ontologies/basketball> . 
    spbkbstat:fieldGoalsPercentage rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ; 
        rdfs:label "fieldGoalsPercentage"@en ;
        rdfs:comment "Field goals made versus attempted. This could also be calculated from the above."@en ; 
        rdfs:domain sport:Participation ;
        rdfs:range xsd:integer ; 
        rdf:isDefinedBy <https://sportschema.org/ontologies/basketball> .

also things like

    spbkbstat:pointsScoredPerShot rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
        rdfs:label "pointsScoredPerShot"@en ; 
        rdfs:comment "Calculated by dividing points-scored-total by field-goals-attempted."@en ;
        rdfs:domain sport:Participation ; 
        rdfs:range xsd:integer ;  
        rdf:isDefinedBy <https://sportschema.org/ontologies/basketball> .