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tvtv.us Internet/Other channels missing #2357

Open tv21 opened 2 months ago

tv21 commented 2 months ago




If you go to tvtv.us, select any US city, and in the channel lineup select Internet/Other you will see that they now have guides for most of the major FAST services. For example you can select PlutoTV and it will show you all the channels it knows about that are on PlutoTV. Not all the services/channels have really good guide data (more than just a generic description of the program) but some do go into more detail. But none of these are currently included in the tvtv.us guide data.

I would be inclined to suggest putting the streaming services in a separate .xml file to keep the main one from becoming any larger. I made the mistake of doing a test run using that main list this morning and now if I try to do a run, even using a custom channels list with only two or three channels, I get nothing but "ERR: Request failed with status code 429" errors (and no indication of how long I have to wait before trying again).

PopeyeTheSai10r commented 1 month ago

The Internet/Other channels can be added to the site folder. Please follow How to add a channel to the guide?

Error code 429 = Too Many Requests. This is an issue on the server side which can be prevented by breaking the xml channel files down into smaller ones.