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telenet.tv #2394

Open freearhey opened 4 days ago

freearhey commented 4 days ago




Test failed:

npm test -- telenet.tv

> test
> run-script-os telenet.tv

> test:default
> TZ=Pacific/Nauru npx jest --runInBand telenet.tv

 FAIL  sites/telenet.tv/telenet.tv.test.js
  ✓ can generate valid url (6 ms)
  ✕ can parse response (51 ms)
  ✓ can handle empty guide (1 ms)

  ● can parse response


    - Expected  - 17
    + Received  +  5

      Object {
    -   "actors": Array [
    -     "Gale Harold",
    -     "Hal Sparks",
    -     "Randy Harrison",
    -     "Peter Paige",
    -     "Scott Lowell",
    -     "Thea Gill",
    -     "Michelle Clunie",
    -     "Sharon Gless",
    -   ],
    -   "category": Array [
    -     "Dramaserie",
    -     "LHBTI",
    -   ],
    -   "description": "Justin belandt in de gevangenis, Brian en Brandon banen zich een weg door de lijst, Ben treurt, Melanie en Lindsay proberen een interne scheiding en Emmett's stalker onthult zichzelf.",
    -   "episode": 8,
    -   "season": 5,
    +   "actors": undefined,
    +   "category": undefined,
    +   "description": undefined,
    +   "episode": null,
    +   "season": null,
        "start": "2022-10-29T23:56:00.000Z",
        "stop": "2022-10-30T01:44:00.000Z",
        "title": "Queer as Folk USA",

      60 |   })
      61 |
    > 62 |   expect(results[0]).toMatchObject({
         |                      ^
      63 |     start: '2022-10-29T23:56:00.000Z',
      64 |     stop: '2022-10-30T01:44:00.000Z',
      65 |     title: 'Queer as Folk USA',

      at Object.<anonymous> (sites/telenet.tv/telenet.tv.test.js:62:22)

Test Suites: 1 failed, 1 total
Tests:       1 failed, 2 passed, 3 total
Snapshots:   0 total
Time:        3.363 s
Ran all test suites matching /telenet.tv/i.