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Some peruvian channels are not shown #1574

Closed josepedro770 closed 7 months ago

josepedro770 commented 7 months ago

Describe your issue

Hello. I have noticed that in the list corresponding to Peru the following channels are not displayed or have been removed:

Please put them back.

Thanks since now.

Greetings. Abrir en Google T

Contributing Guide

BellezaEmporium commented 7 months ago

EN : If the channels do not appear in the list, is that they're likely to be either unavailable or non-existent. It may happen if we see that the link we used to have do not work today.

I'll take a check on your channel request after IDing a few LATAM channels.

ES : Si los canales no aparecen en la lista, es que probablemente no estén disponibles o no existan. Puede ocurrir si vemos que el enlace que teníamos antes no funciona hoy.

Revisaré tu solicitacion de canal despues de identificar algunos canales de LATAM.