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KWTX-DT1 #953

Closed bugdaboss closed 1 year ago

bugdaboss commented 1 year ago

Channel ID


Stream URL (optional)

No response

Notes (optional)

Stream 1: https://dai2-playlistserver.aws.syncbak.com/cpl/13353657/dai2v5/1/7b2264657669636554797065223a2242726f77736572222c22616b616d61694d7670644b6579223a6e756c6c7d/master.m3u8?access_token=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsImtpZCI6IjIwMTYwNDAxIn0.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.aFtB3rMewQC7mUfzo6p83VGDU7zN8Z2du4STKNHrYaQ

Stream 2:


Please confirm the following

azgaresncf commented 1 year ago

both streams have "forbidden" response image

bugdaboss commented 1 year ago

im really not sure, i ran it through the thing the guide says and it worked fine, odd

https://streamtest.in/logs/https-dai2-playlistserver-aws-syncbak-com-cpl-13353657-dai2v5-1-7b2264657669636554797065223a2242726f77736572222c22616b616d6169-f6b32288-df96-48ad-b6ef-4bb0f36d8f8c https://streamtest.in/logs/https-dai2-playlistserver-aws-syncbak-com-cpl-13353657-dai2v5-1-7b2264657669636554797065223a2242726f77736572222c22616b616d6169

https://streamtest.in/logs/https-dai2-playlistserver-aws-syncbak-com-cpl-13729466-dai2v5-1-7b2264657669636554797065223a2242726f77736572222c22616b616d6169-e292d428-2d21-4620-badd-e64b61b1c458 https://streamtest.in/logs/https-dai2-playlistserver-aws-syncbak-com-cpl-13729466-dai2v5-1-7b2264657669636554797065223a2242726f77736572222c22616b616d6169-5481c34a-a9fd-4a59-9ce3-b917c0a949f5

bugdaboss commented 1 year ago

both streams have "forbidden" response image

if you can figure it out heres the link to the site: https://www.kwtx.com/livestream/

azgaresncf commented 1 year ago

it is really odd, i've ran it through VLC and it dosen't work at all

azgaresncf commented 1 year ago

both streams have "forbidden" response image

if you can figure it out heres the link to the site: https://www.kwtx.com/livestream/

i think i will check this, thank you

bugdaboss commented 1 year ago

it is really odd, i've ran it through VLC and it dosen't work at all

i tried vlc like 4 times, worked just find so werid

azgaresncf commented 1 year ago

image with the response of the GraphQL API, we can see that streams have access_token

it is so weird though

bugdaboss commented 1 year ago

doesnt want to work for me either now for some reason

azgaresncf commented 1 year ago

image streams have referrer headers on their request

azgaresncf commented 1 year ago

i will just test something, wait a sec

bugdaboss commented 1 year ago

alright, keep me posted. super intrested now. seems super strange to me

bugdaboss commented 1 year ago

im new to this so bare with me

bugdaboss commented 1 year ago

did you ever find anything?

azgaresncf commented 1 year ago

i think i will find something, i just have no time rn

azgaresncf commented 1 year ago

streams are encrypted with an aes key image

azgaresncf commented 1 year ago

stream is working with VLC! image

with this M3U file:


EXTVLCOPT:http-user-agent=Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/112.0.1722.58


[link to master.m3u8]

bugdaboss commented 1 year ago

nice! thank you!

azgaresncf commented 1 year ago

your welcome! i think i will just add a service through a repo that i've created (sorry for my bad english though)

bugdaboss commented 1 year ago

could you send a m3u link for vlc/kodi?

azgaresncf commented 1 year ago

i think i will add it through my repo so you can see it with vlc or kodi, it is just gonna be a little bit tough

bugdaboss commented 1 year ago

let me know whenever you do

azgaresncf commented 1 year ago

don't worry :) it will be an URL like this: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/azgaresncf/strm2hls/main/streams/KWTXDT1.m3u8

bugdaboss commented 1 year ago

kk how long do you think it will be?

azgaresncf commented 1 year ago

kk how long do you think it will be?

i don't know it all (because I don't have too much time to do this for some reasons), but i think it will be pretty easy to add it

azgaresncf commented 1 year ago

@bugdaboss is it the stream not 24/7?

bugdaboss commented 1 year ago

i do not think so, KWTX LIVE EVENTS i believe is not and only shows their "news at **" broadcasts on it

bugdaboss commented 1 year ago

KWTXtra is, they play 'local news live' on it, and maybe the "news at **" broadcasts too but im not sure about the last part

bugdaboss commented 1 year ago

KWTXtra, plays local news live, then does this programs. the live events stream will not do programs.

PopeyeTheSai10r commented 1 year ago

streams are encrypted with an aes key image

I think you should be looking at the media.m3u8


PopeyeTheSai10r commented 1 year ago

This one is working for now. Not sure how much longer.


azgaresncf commented 1 year ago

master.m3u8 redirect to media.m3u8

azgaresncf commented 1 year ago

image the stream is now completely black

azgaresncf commented 1 year ago

what is that stream URL? https://live-247.clevr.me/rm247/ngrp:rm247_all/master.m3u8 (it is just a weather media...)