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Animax english sub channel request #1388

Closed tuyakun closed 3 years ago

tuyakun commented 4 years ago

Animax english sub channel request. Please give m3u8 link of channel. This channel is asian.


Japanese(english subtitle):

Additional Information (optional):

CHJ85 commented 4 years ago

The subtitled version isn't Japanese @freearhey . There are a few versions of this channel is Asia. The only version I can speak on behalf of is the Indian version since I've been to India myself. This version has multiple subtitle tracks and 2 audio tracks. First audio track is Japanese with English commercials, and the 2nd audio track is the same but with English dubs when available. I also know there's a Korean version of Animax with English commercials and subtitles.

freearhey commented 4 years ago

@CHJ85 As soon as there is a link to this channel with any variant of subtitles, we will add it to the playlist immediately.

CHJ85 commented 4 years ago

Well. Seeing as nobody has been able to find the channel yet, I'm just gonna go ahead and post the original Japanese version. I wasn't gonna add it as a pull request, at least until I could find a working EPG. Timezone is GMT+9 btw if someone else wants to try. But feel free to add it to the the playlist if you believe someone's gonna benefit from this. Again. It's the original channel. No subtitles.

#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="Animax" tvg-name="Animax" tvg-language="Japanese" tvg-logo="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/2b/Animax_logo.svg/1200px-Animax_logo.svg.png" tvg-country="JP" tvg-url="" group-title="Kids",Animax https://cdn.jpus206.jpnettv.live/jptv/janimax_720/index.m3u8

oldpoem commented 4 years ago

Here is the channel. Animax Asia with English subs.

tuyakun commented 4 years ago

Here is the channel. Animax Asia with English subs.

Thank you But link is not working

oldpoem commented 4 years ago

Here is the channel. Animax Asia with English subs.

Thank you But link is not working

As of now I just rechecked and it's working. Be sure to use good iptv player and not browser. Some server disallow browser to access channel.


tuyakun commented 4 years ago

Here is the channel. Animax Asia with English subs.

Thank you But link is not working

As of now I just rechecked and it's working. Be sure to use good iptv player and not browser. Some server disallow browser to access channel.


Thank you very much

CHJ85 commented 4 years ago

Here is the channel. Animax Asia with English subs. Could you get the actual URL? As you can probably tell, this URL has been encrypted with an expiration token. Also let us know your source for this URL. So please either get the actual URL or the token key.

oldpoem commented 4 years ago

Here is the channel. Animax Asia with English subs. Could you get the actual URL? As you can probably tell, this URL has been encrypted with an expiration token. Also let us know your source for this URL. So please either get the actual URL or the token key.

This came from tvheadend so it always have this format. And this is as far as I have. But afaik Its ticket works for months. But if it became wellknown and got too much sharing. And they change scheme It's the end.

CHJ85 commented 4 years ago

That ticket ID is probably your tvheadend server's encryption key. I'm not going to set up a tvheadend server and do all this stuff just to figure out what the stream URL is. I'm not familiar with their encryption either. I mean, usually when they set up a token encryption, they use base64 in conjunction with a hash encryption. This one is neither. We need a smart guy in here. 😀 Either that, or we just need to find another working Animax stream.

oldpoem commented 4 years ago

That ticket ID is probably your tvheadend server's encryption key. I'm not going to set up a tvheadend server and do all this stuff just to figure out what the stream URL is. I'm not familiar with their encryption either. I mean, usually when they set up a token encryption, they use base64 in conjunction with a hash encryption. This one is neither. We need a smart guy in here. 😀 Either that, or we just need to find another working Animax stream.

Just take what you can get. Ask again when the ticket expired. Last time it was months before they changed.

CHJ85 commented 4 years ago

@oldpoem Sounds about right. The ticket ID must be your IP address or something. Explains why it only works for you.

oldpoem commented 4 years ago

It works for everyone. Maybe geoblock.

CHJ85 commented 4 years ago

It works for everyone. Maybe geoblock. I already took that into consideration and I've tried a few locations using ExpressVPN. Someone said it works in Thailand, but they deleted their comment, so maybe it didn't. I'll keep trying though. What country are you in?

oldpoem commented 4 years ago

I'm in Thailand. Server is in Thailand.

CHJ85 commented 4 years ago

@oldpoem I see. Well. I envy you. I guess they're blocking VPNs or something. Because I've tried 3 different Thailand locations now. That sucks. I'd very much like to watch this Animax. It is such a great channel. You said it works for everyone else. I'm just gonna have to take your word for that. But who else have tested it? Because when I look at this thread, everyone else says it doesn't work for them either.

oldpoem commented 4 years ago

This server streams has been around for quite a while in thai iptv community. So it has been tested by many ppl.

oldpoem commented 4 years ago

@oldpoem I see. Well. I envy you. I guess they're blocking VPNs or something. Because I've tried 3 different Thailand locations now. That sucks. I'd very much like to watch this Animax. It is such a great channel. You said it works for everyone else. I'm just gonna have to take your word for that. But who else have tested it? Because when I look at this thread, everyone else says it doesn't work for them either.

I just rechecked with vpn unlimited thai server. With GSE IPTV and MX Player it's working fine. Make sure you use iptv player not browser. This server usually reject browser agent.

CHJ85 commented 4 years ago

@oldpoem You're in Thailand so of course it's gonna work for you. Doesn't matter what VPN you use if the server bypasses VPN. What I mean is, who else outside of Thailand have tested your Animax link?

oldpoem commented 4 years ago

The server didn't bypass my vpn connection. My friend in japan tested it via vpn and it works. Try vpn unlimited. If you can't work it out it's nothing I can help.

freearhey commented 4 years ago

I'm out of Thailand and this link doesn't work for me either.

Tested in Elmedia Video Player and VLC Player.

oldpoem commented 4 years ago

I'm out of Thailand and this link doesn't work for me either.

Tested in Elmedia Video Player and VLC Player.

So let conclude it's geoblock. Not that token is ip locked.

CHJ85 commented 4 years ago

Seems to be Geolocked to Asia and somehow blocking VPN. We need more Asian testers for this one. But then again. If the stream doesn't work with a VPN, I think we should just look for one that actually works for everybody. But thanks anyway @oldpoem.

oldpoem commented 4 years ago

Seems to be Geolocked to Asia and somehow blocking VPN. We need more Asian testers for this one. But then again. If the stream doesn't work with a VPN, I think we should just look for one that actually works for everyone.

Tried with this vpngate and it's working.


CHJ85 commented 4 years ago

@oldpoem We already know it's working for you. We need to find a non geolocked stream. Every VPN provider is going to work for you, because this server bypasses VPN.

oldpoem commented 4 years ago

It should be working for you too via vpn. Good luck with finding another one. I can only find another one with dodgy tvbus protocol with 5mins lockout.

CHJ85 commented 4 years ago

Wait! You found another one? If it works, please post it.

oldpoem commented 4 years ago

@oldpoem We already know it's working for you. We need to find a non geolocked stream. Every VPN provider is going to work for you, because this server bypasses VPN.

Nope It's not working if I connect with other countries vpn (tried singapore). If your theory was right it should working for me because it bypasses my vpn connection. But it' wasn't. And The connection was not split tunnel. So you just didn't find working vpn. And that's about it.

CHJ85 commented 4 years ago

@oldpoem Really? That's very interesting. I'll look deeper into this.

CHJ85 commented 4 years ago

You're right. It works with VPNGate. So I guess we found one working link. Thank you SO much @oldpoem. This is great. Although, I wouldn't consider this one completely solved until we can find a link that works for everybody. At least one that doesn't block certain VPNs.

oldpoem commented 4 years ago

You're right. It works with VPNGate. So I guess we found one working link. Thank you SO much @oldpoem. This is great. Although, I wouldn't consider this one completely solved until we can find a link that works for everybody. At least one that doesn't block certain VPNs.

Just find good working vpn. VPNgate is not reliable for streaming. Animax with eng sub is rare now since Sonyliv removed it. I guess the source came from myanmar feed. Because other countries has local subtitles.

CHJ85 commented 4 years ago

Yea. Guess that's why they didn't bother blocking it. This VPN is slow af for me at least.

CHJ85 commented 4 years ago

Hey @oldpoem . Would you be willing to re-stream Animax so that we can all enjoy it? And do you have a fast enough internet connection to do so. If yes, I'd be more than willing to pay you for that. Just name a price.

oldpoem commented 4 years ago

Hey @oldpoem . Would you be willing to re-stream Animax so that we can all enjoy it? And do you have a fast enough internet connection to do so. If yes, I'd be more than willing to pay you for that. Just name a price.

Sorry, can't do. I don't have good enough internet. Also lack of commitment since I don't own the stream.

CHJ85 commented 4 years ago

@oldpoem I see. You mentioned a dodgy stream earlier. Is that one working? And if so, could you link it please?

oldpoem commented 4 years ago

@oldpoem I see. You mentioned a dodgy stream earlier. Is that one working? And if so, could you link it please?

As of now I just rechecked and it's not working.

oldpoem commented 4 years ago

Updated ticket but actually you can leave out ticket & profile.

This works too.

Rahinebezzy commented 4 years ago

im still confused https://www.vpngate.net/en/do_openvpn.aspx?fqdn=vpn562846787.opengw.net&ip= does this link work with a vpn or not

CHJ85 commented 4 years ago

No Rahinebezzy I think we may as well give up on Animax. There are so many anime channels now anyway. 3 from Pluto TV, Con TV has an anime channel now and RetroCrush just launched one. Not really sure if looking for Animax links is worth it, to be honest with you. They keep going down anyway.

If you'd like to add a pull request, I can post you the anime channels I've got here: 1

EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="Anime All Ages" tvg-logo="http://images.pluto.tv/channels/5be4c6311843b56328bce619/featuredImage.jpg" group-title="",Anime All Ages


EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="Anime All Day" tvg-logo="http://images.pluto.tv/channels/5812b7d3249444e05d09cc49/featuredImage.jpg" group-title="",Anime All Day


EXTINF:-1 tvg-ID="" tvg-name="" tvg-logo="http://images.cinedigm.com/jtv/contv/images/contvanimelive_CONtvAnime_Horizontal_900x530_v1.jpg" group-title="",CONtv Anime


EXTINF:-1 tvg-ID="" tvg-name="" tvg-logo="https://sm.pcmag.com/t/pcmag_ap/review/r/retrocrush/retrocrush_5p4u.1024.jpg" group-title="",RetroCrush


And to whoever asked for the Asian version of Animax, here you go: https://hlstw.ihome.tokyo/live/cs25.stream/playlist.m3u8?wowzasessionid=1418677106

oldpoem commented 4 years ago

Server has been down for 2 days now. No information whether it would be back online anytime soon.

FYI There are 3 version of Animax. Japan version as in BS Animax. Korean version with different content. Asian version with more diferent contents for the rest of asia.

The version most people looking for is Asian version which covers many new anime series with subtitles.

oldpoem commented 4 years ago

And to whoever asked for the Asian version of Animax, here you go: https://hlstw.ihome.tokyo/live/cs25.stream/playlist.m3u8?wowzasessionid=1418677106

This is not Asian version. This is BS Animax which airs in Japan only. Due to license it aired mostly old anime.

CHJ85 commented 4 years ago

@oldpoem You're right. My bad. But this is the only version I can find with a somewhat good image quality. I found a 360p version some time ago, but I wouldn't even bother watching that one.

Rahinebezzy commented 4 years ago

Thanks dude kinda wish github had a pm feature so i wasn't out of place im very sorry but how do you find channels iv been looking for days for animax

CHJ85 commented 4 years ago

@Rahinebezzy Well. These channels are free to watch online on Pluto TV, Redbox and Plex TV. So that's where I got them from. By using their API.

Rahinebezzy commented 4 years ago

I mean like animax howd you find that google search don't get me ihome

CHJ85 commented 4 years ago

@Rahinebezzy Well obviously if no one's broadcasting the channel, a Google search ain't gonna do much. Idk if anyone is even broadcasting that channel online. None officially at least. And those unofficial bootleg streams are obviously a no go. ConTV Anime is the closes to Animax you'll find in terms of having new stuff. The rest of the ones I posted are decent but mostly just back-to-back episodes of mainstream anime. RetroCrush has a lot of good classics though if you're into that. Nothing beats Animax if you want that brand new stuff. You'll probably be better off subscribing to Crunchyroll.

Rahinebezzy commented 4 years ago

Its. Find hell im fine with animax bs thanks though what is ihome tho

CHJ85 commented 4 years ago

@Rahinebezzy ihome is a Japanese IPTV service. Anyway, here's a backup in case the channel stops working: https://cdn.jpus206.jpnettv.live/jptv/janimax_720/index.m3u8 Again, the bs version. Sorry about that.

oldpoem commented 4 years ago

@Rahinebezzy ihome is a Japanese IPTV service. Anyway, here's a backup in case the channel stops working: https://cdn.jpus206.jpnettv.live/jptv/janimax_720/index.m3u8 Again, the bs version. Sorry about that.


There are apps like Star Hub (Singapore), Astro Malaysia, Sing Tel which has official Animax Asia with Eng sub, if possible can you get the HD version of it with English Subs. Thanks in advance

Those services are region locked. Even though you can find working vpn. Official links usually has drm which is very hard to play outside of their official app. I looked inside Astrogo myself and it has widevine drm for almost all their official links. Heard the same about Starhub & Singtel albeit didn't have account to look into myself.

Your best chance is to find illegal restream links of those broadcasters. I'm unfamiliar with these singapore unauthorized iptv service though.

The only last HD version of Animax Asia with English subtitles I got was Sonyliv. But sadly it was removed a few months ago along with AXN.

Rahinebezzy commented 4 years ago