ipup / PPRevealSideViewController

A new container controller to easily push views on side like Path or Facebook
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bumping slide in landscape #120

Open stefat opened 9 years ago

stefat commented 9 years ago

I'm using your controller (BTW: great, thank you) in iOS 8.1, in Swift: in portrait - no problem. In landscape I see a weird bump, similar to a collision, while dragging the view. I've made a short movie you may find here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/p55s88a1js9chxl/iOS%20SimulatorScreenSnapz001.mov?dl=0 You may find below my few lines of codes for this issue. Any hint to fix ? It is really annoying for the user. Thank you for any help on this stefat // MARK: ########## Installazione del SideController come rootView del keyWindow ################ let story = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil) self.leftTabelController = story.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("mySideTableController") as SideTableViewController! self.mySideController = PPRevealSideViewController(rootViewController: self.navigationController) UIApplication.sharedApplication().keyWindow?.rootViewController = mySideController self.mySideController!.panInteractionsWhenClosed = UInt(PPRevealSideInteractionContentView + PPRevealSideInteractionNavigationBar) self.mySideController!.directionsToShowBounce = UInt(PPRevealSideDirectionNone) self.mySideController!.options = UInt(PPRevealSideOptionsKeepOffsetOnRotation) self.mySideController!.delegate = self ... and at click on button to open the side view // MARK: ########## Lancio del SideController ################ var offset:CGFloat = 80.0 self.mySideController!.pushViewController(leftTabelController, onDirection: UInt(PPRevealSideDirectionLeft), withOffset: offset, animated: true ) // d'ora in poi attiva il bounce ... self.mySideController!.directionsToShowBounce = UInt(PPRevealSideDirectionLeft)

ipodishima commented 9 years ago


Sorry about the delay. If you found a solution or drop this, please consider closing the issue