ipython-contrib / jupyter_contrib_nbextensions

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How to refer to Mathjax Equation Auto Numbering #1518

Open fugata opened 4 years ago

fugata commented 4 years ago

I use the "Mathjax Equation Auto Numbering" extension to number the displayed equation

\begin{equation} E = m c^2 \label{cool} \end{equation}

and I want to refer to this in latter markdown cell

Equation (\ref{cool}) is cool!

The auto number part is working --- I have enabled the auto numbering extension -- but the subsequent reference does not. Instead of showing (say)

Equation (1) is cool!

I got instead

Equation (???) is cool!

where ??? is underlined (but nothing happens when I click on the underlined text).

In case this matter: I'm running

python 3.7 jupyter 4.4.0 jupyter 6.0.3 OS: linux mint 19.02

Please let me know if you need additional info.