ipython-contrib / jupyter_contrib_nbextensions

A collection of various notebook extensions for Jupyter
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YAML files location for duplicates & Validating: Problems found: #1541

Open baggiponte opened 3 years ago

baggiponte commented 3 years ago

Hello there, I have tried to install the nbextensions today, but some issues are still there. I used the conda install -c conda-forge jupyter_contrib_nbextensions command. I am also using pyenv to manage virtual environments and python installations (I know it seems overkill).

Validating: problems found: require? X nbextensions_configurator/config_menu/main_enabled

First, I cannot seem to find a way to solve this validating issue popping up whenever I jupyter nbextensions list:

Known nbextensions:
  config dir: /Users/luca/.pyenv/versions/miniconda3-latest/envs/mobility/etc/jupyter/nbconfig
    notebook section
      nbextensions_configurator/config_menu/main  enabled
      - Validating: problems found:
        - require?  X nbextensions_configurator/config_menu/main
      contrib_nbextensions_help_item/main  enabled
      - Validating: OK
    tree section
      nbextensions_configurator/tree_tab/main  enabled
      - Validating: problems found:
        - require?  X nbextensions_configurator/tree_tab/main

Also, nbextensions_configurator came with the conda command, as specified in the documentation. But here you are the output of `conda list -e | grep jupyter':


What is it really to be done with the nbextensions_configurator?

nbextension's require url is referenced by two different yaml files on the server

Also, for any extension I wish to activate this message is printed on the nbextensions tab on Jupyter. This is weird because I made sure to uninstall the nbextensions, erase the content of the etc and share folders and deleted and recreated the environment. Where do I find the yaml files? Thank you!

This nbextension's require url (hinterland/hinterland) is referenced by two different yaml files on the server. This probably means that there are two installations of the same nbextension in different directories on the server. If they are different, only one will be loaded by the notebook, and this may prevent configuration from working correctly. Check the jupyter notebook server log for the paths of the relevant yaml files.