ipython-contrib / jupyter_contrib_nbextensions

A collection of various notebook extensions for Jupyter
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CellFilter exception fails on a jquery statement #1542

Open syagev opened 3 years ago

syagev commented 3 years ago

Enabling the CellFilter extension does not show the search-box in the toolbar.

Looking at the console the following error is displayed:

cell_filter.js?v=20201202194701:77 Uncaught TypeError: $ is not a function
    at Object.load_ipython_extension (cell_filter.js?v=20201202194701:77)
    at utils.js:39
    at Object.execCb (require.js?v=951f856e81496aaeec2e71a1c2c0d51f:1693)
    at Module.check (require.js?v=951f856e81496aaeec2e71a1c2c0d51f:881)
    at Module.<anonymous> (require.js?v=951f856e81496aaeec2e71a1c2c0d51f:1136)
    at require.js?v=951f856e81496aaeec2e71a1c2c0d51f:134
    at require.js?v=951f856e81496aaeec2e71a1c2c0d51f:1186
    at each (require.js?v=951f856e81496aaeec2e71a1c2c0d51f:59)
    at Module.emit (require.js?v=951f856e81496aaeec2e71a1c2c0d51f:1185)
    at Module.check (require.js?v=951f856e81496aaeec2e71a1c2c0d51f:936)

cc @benelot

Tangent-Lin commented 2 years ago

After the installation of Anaconda with python 3.8.10 on Windows 7 ,notebook version now is 6.4.3 , and I had installed the Nbextension with other nbextension toc/vim normally , cell_filter still failed to show the search bar on the menu bar. How can I deal with it ?

cc @benelot