ipython-contrib / jupyter_contrib_nbextensions

A collection of various notebook extensions for Jupyter
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"Collapsible Headings" extension conflicts with RISE #1570

Open Paul-Aime opened 3 years ago

Paul-Aime commented 3 years ago

The "Collapsible Headings" extension conflicts in many ways with the RISE extension, mainly due to its default shortcuts.

Bugs don't occur when only moving forward in RISE mode, but when going back and forth with arrows keys, mainly because Left is by default mapped to collapse.

Bugs (full descriptions inside files providing minimal examples):

  1. "Skip" slides are not skipped (see collapsible_headings_conflicts_with_rise1.txt)
  2. Cells are offset to the bottom (see collapsible_headings_conflicts_with_rise2.txt)
  3. Scrollable slides made with fragments can't be displayed in reverse, it will go back to section heading directly. (see same file as 2.)

Environment made with:

conda create -n bug_env jupyter rise jupyter_contrib_nbextensions

Then, enable the "Collapsible Heading" extension, default settings.


  1. I'm putting files as .txt, but this is just because GitHub "don't support [.ipynb] file type".
  2. I can't even reproduce it myself right now, since Left shortcut doesn't work anymore, idk why.