ipython-contrib / jupyter_contrib_nbextensions

A collection of various notebook extensions for Jupyter
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Hinterland automatically completes code without me confirming it in any way. #1573

Open MikolajKolman opened 3 years ago

MikolajKolman commented 3 years ago

Sometimes when I write code it is automatically completed without me pressing tab or enter. For example I want to write "var", but I already have a variable called "variable". After hitting "v" and "a" the code completes to "variable". As another example I wanted to write "print", but had a variable called "predictors". I wrote "pr" and it automatically completed to "predictors". I have found a few questions like this on stackoverflow, but none had any answers and I have failed to identify the direct cause. My version of jupyter-contrib-nbextensions is 0.5.1.