ipython-contrib / jupyter_contrib_nbextensions

A collection of various notebook extensions for Jupyter
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Snippet Menu not displaying #1621

Closed obinopaul closed 1 year ago

obinopaul commented 1 year ago

Hello, I have installed the "nbextensions" and followed all instructions, but out of all the extensions in the "nbextensions", only "snippet menu" refuses to display. What could be the issue with this?

This is where i enabled the "Snippet Menu" extension Screenshot (17)

Despite having refreshed and restarted the notebook severally, it still doesn't work Screenshot (18)

obinopaul commented 1 year ago

i think i figured it out. I had to install only the snippet extension (jupyter boilerplate) from this site (https://github.com/moble/jupyter_boilerplate). It obviously did not work when i tried to clone the repository, saying (FatalError: cannot connect to github), So i ran the code below on the terminal:

$ git config --global url.https://github.com/.insteadOf git://github.com/

Voila..!! everything was perfect. I then continued the process by installing jupyter boilerplate and enabling the extension.

Tankiu ;)