ipython / ipython_genutils

Vestigial IPython utilities: DO NOT USE
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ImportError: No module named ipython_genutils #3

Open cristianmtr opened 9 years ago

cristianmtr commented 9 years ago

I'm running Python 2.7 on Windows 7 x64. I installed ipython and jupyter with pip. When doing "ipython notebook" I got the error "ImportError: No module named ipython_genutils". I was able to fix this by downloading this repo and installing it "python setup.py install". Is this normal?

takluyver commented 9 years ago

If you did pip install jupyter, that should have pulled in ipython_genutils as a dependency.

cristianmtr commented 9 years ago

I did that, and I was still getting the error

nikolas commented 8 years ago

I also did that and still got the error. I had to explicitly list ipython_genutils==0.1.0 in requirements.txt.

minrk commented 8 years ago

@nikolas can you share the output of the install command?

minrk commented 8 years ago

And pip list?

peter-d commented 8 years ago

I had the same issue, python 2.7 on linux. Specifically adding ipython_genutils indeed fixed the problem. It seems it does not get installed when installing jupyter or ipython.

minrk commented 8 years ago

Can anyone provide a complete example that reproduces the problem (including pip, setuptools, Python and OS version)? ipython_genutils is listed as a strict dependency, and does get installed when you install these things with pip, so I'm wondering what it is that's allowing dependencies to be left out.

beyonddoor commented 8 years ago

after install ipython with no complains, ipython --versionoutput: Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Python27-64\lib\runpy.py", line 162, in _run_module_as_main "main", fname, loader, pkg_name) File "C:\Python27-64\lib\runpy.py", line 72, in _run_code exec code in run_globals File "C:\Python27-64\Scripts\ipython.exemain.py", line 5, in File "C:\Python27-64\lib\site-packages\IPythoninit.py", line 48, in <modu le> from .core.application import Application File "C:\Python27-64\lib\site-packages\IPython\core\application.py", line 22, in from traitlets.config.application import Application, catch_config_error File "C:\Python27-64\lib\site-packages\traitletsinit.py", line 1, in <mod ule> from .traitlets import * File "C:\Python27-64\lib\site-packages\traitlets\traitlets.py", line 55, in <m odule> from ipython_genutils import py3compat ImportError: No module named ipython_genutils

the output of pip listis: backports.shutil-get-terminal-size (1.0.0) cycler (0.10.0) decorator (4.0.10) ipython (4.2.0) matplotlib (1.5.1) numpy (1.11.0) path.py (7.7.1) pickleshare (0.7.2) pip (1.5.6) pyparsing (2.1.5) python-dateutil (2.5.3) pytz (2016.4) setuptools (23.0.0) simplegeneric (0.8.1) six (1.10.0) traitlets (4.2.1) virtualenv (15.0.2)

python --version Python 2.7.9

OS: win7 sp1

any helps?

takluyver commented 8 years ago

I'm still not sure how people get this. pip install ipython_genutils should fix it.

pip (1.5.6)

That's quite old, it's recommended that you upgrade by running:

pip install --upgrade setuptools pip
beyonddoor commented 8 years ago

Following your instructions above, it complains "ImportError: No module named pathlib2", after pip install pathlib2, it now works, thanks. @takluyver

videlec commented 6 years ago

Some full tracebacks with detailed architecture/system available at https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/24088

yasirroni commented 1 year ago


the output of pip listis: backports.shutil-get-terminal-size (1.0.0) cycler (0.10.0)

I'm not really sure, but for those that is interested, in my case, the bug might be due to:

  1. Create an environment that contains jupyter
  2. Running a cell that contains !pip install that alter package in the environment.
  3. Running notebooks via script in sequential make second notebook use packages altered by the first notebook.

It ended up this import error due tu incompatibilities.