Originally posted by **simone-says** September 22, 2024
Is the order of the gene trees output in the *.treefile the same order that the alignment files are read in, or the same order that is output into the log file during partition testing? I need to match individual gene trees to the alignments that made them, but there are no unique identifiers preserved in the *.treefile.
This is the command used to make the gene trees:
`iqtree2 -S /projects/busco_phylo/results/03_trimal/03_realigned_trim2/UCEs/05_unsat --prefix UCEs_unsat.loci -T AUTO`
If there is no conserved order to how the gene trees are output then I can try to work on a script to match them after running, but I would like to know before I jump down another rabbit hole :)
Discussed in https://github.com/iqtree/iqtree2/discussions/323