iqtree / iqtree2

NEW location of IQ-TREE software for efficient phylogenomic software by maximum likelihood
GNU General Public License v2.0
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treemix iqtree file #85

Closed roblanf closed 2 years ago

roblanf commented 2 years ago

Currently if I specify a mixture of trees, the relevant block of the .iqtree file looks like this:


Log-likelihood of the tree: -1627172.9287 (s.e. 0.0003)
Unconstrained log-likelihood (without tree): -3358337.4254
Number of free parameters (#branches + #model parameters): 28
Akaike information criterion (AIC) score: 3254401.8575
Corrected Akaike information criterion (AICc) score: 3254401.8584
Bayesian information criterion (BIC) score: 3254750.0819

Total tree length (sum of branch lengths): 0.0500
Sum of internal branch lengths: 0.0113 (22.6808% of tree length)

No drawing will be displayed for mixture of trees here

But it should print summary information for each of the input trees. (I agree that we don't need drawings, they are not much help).

Specifically, the summary should provide info on tree lengths etc. for each of the input trees. E.g. if there are three input trees, the last few lines might look like

Total tree lengths (sum of branch lengths): 0.0500, 0.0300, 0.0600
Sum of internal branch lengths: 0.0113 (22.6808% of tree length), 0.0113 (22.6808% of tree length), 0.0113 (22.6808% of tree length)

Trees with branch lengths are provided in the .treefile file
thomaskf commented 2 years ago

The issue has been addressed in the branch "tree-mix".