iquidus / explorer

An open source block explorer
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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SSL error appear #508

Open SoraKohaku opened 1 year ago

SoraKohaku commented 1 year ago


added this

// Add this section code to here var forceSSL = require('express-force-ssl'); var https = require('https'); var fs = require('fs'); var ssl_options = { key: fs.readFileSync('localhost.decrypted.key'), cert: fs.readFileSync('localhost.crt') }; // Add this section code to here

var app = express();

// Add this section code to here var secureServer = https.createServer(ssl_options, app); // Add this section code to here

with below

// Add below line here secureServer.listen(445);

joeuhren commented 1 year ago

First of all, I would suggest if you are trying to add your own features to any codebase that doesn't natively support them then you probably won't receive much help since the problem has nothing to do with the project and has everything to do with the new code that you introduced.

That being said, I would recommend looking at the following potential issues with your code:

  1. Try changing port 445 to the default SSL port of 443: secureServer.listen(443);
  2. I know nothing about the express-force-ssl dependency but a quick search of the error msg you are having shows that it could be a redirect problem to port 80, so I would also recommend changing the express port from 3003 to 80. This will definitely require you to run the explorer as the root user or else use another method to gain access to those lower port #'s like the setcap method or running a reverse proxy via other webserver such as nginx. If necessary, you can read up on some of the workarounds here:
  3. Typically you need 3 certificate files for SSL/TLS support and you only list 2. Are you missing one?
  4. Your screenshot shows that you are trying to access the site via IP address instead of domain name. The most common (and free!) method of issuing an SSL certificate is via LetsEncrypt's certbot, but they haven't allowed plain IP addresses for as long as I can remember. Where exactly are you getting your SSL certificate from?

It's also important to note that this explorer has been abandoned for years now and doesn't support SSL which is why you are needing to add your own SSL code. Instead of trying to hack together the SSL feature, I might suggest you use my updated explorer instead which is a clone of this explorer with full SSL support built-in and 100's of additional fixes and changes to overall improve the explorer security and functionality:

SoraKohaku commented 1 year ago

the problem after i change db and user cannot connect. any settings for this?

Mongodb 5.0

joeuhren commented 1 year ago

Hard to say what is wrong without more info, but you mention changing the db so my guess is that you might have added the new user to a different db. You need to make sure you have the db you intend to use selected first and then add the new user to that database. For example:

use newdatabase
db.createUser( { user: "iquidus", pwd: "3xp!0reR", roles: [ "readWrite" ] } )

And then obviously make sure the settings.json has the same database name and username/password combination you specified.

cybershrapnel commented 6 months ago

the problem after i change db and user cannot connect. any settings for this?

Mongodb 5.0

Here is a solution for you if you are willing to run a fastapi server in python, which is what I do to run a chatgpt plugin as it requires SSL. once you have a fastapi server up and running with SSL, just add these paths to your fast api (adjust my domains as need. This will redirect all traffic from your internal non hosted site in linux on either port 3001 or 80, doesn't matter, and it will relay all traffic through the fast api, with valid SSL :) Now this is a hack and a half. I had to redirect some ajax calls and such to make search work. But this also moves you explorer from top directory to the /explorer directory on your server and makes 2 api endpoints, one in /api and one in /explorer/ext and/or /explorer/api

this needs some improvement, but it will make iquidus fully functional. I might be running liquidus though, I can't remember lol... might need minor adjustments. but you can see it running here.

I hope this helps, but I would have to agree with joeuhren to maybe just upgrade, but if your like me and don't want to move on just yet. this works quite dandy :)

Here is the code:

If you need any help running a fastapi server I put up this guide to running a chatgpt plugin which you can literally just dump the code above into. all you need to do is get your ssl cert and combine the 2 files into one so you have a valid cert