iquiw / company-ghc

Company-mode completion back-end for haskell-mode via ghc-mod
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Interactive-Haskell hangs #10

Closed xificurC closed 9 years ago

xificurC commented 9 years ago

Hi there, I'm not sure if this is exactly company-ghc's fault but I don't know where else to go, so feel free to point me somewhere else if needed :) I'm working on the scheme48hours and interactive haskell hangs on me when I start a scheme repl from within the cabal repl. I have to kill ghc and then I either see this in Messages

Company: An error occurred in auto-begin
Wrong type argument: stringp, nil

or I get 1k lines of completions shown in the haskell process log. Either way I have to kill ghc and emacs starts responding only afterwards.

Steps to reproduce (on my machine at least):

In case you really go down testing this and want the code I have then here it is, the current master [0fc2d53] is the one you should clone.

To make the listing full, here are my versions:

iquiw commented 9 years ago

My haskell-mode setting is now broken by recent haskell-mode's re-organization. I will fix the setting and try the steps hopefully soon .

iquiw commented 9 years ago

I could generate the problem without company-mode. So I think it should be reported to haskell-mode.

The "Wrong type argument: stringp, nil" error is thrown from here.

company-capf calls it through completion-at-point-functions. Even without company-mode, M-x completion-at-point causes the same error.

I have no idea about the cause of the hang.

xificurC commented 9 years ago

Hi, sorry for replying so late... Indeed M-x completion-at-point hangs for me as well. Going to report it in haskell-mode and see what happens. Thank you for your time!

xificurC commented 9 years ago

Here is the answer I got from Chris Done if you wish to know the reasons behind this issue. Thank you for your help and feel free to mark this closed.

iquiw commented 9 years ago

You're welcome. Thanks for the pointer.