iquiw / company-ghc

Company-mode completion back-end for haskell-mode via ghc-mod
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company-ghc backend found: company-ghc but ghc-boot process has not been done #37

Closed FirstLoveLife closed 6 years ago

FirstLoveLife commented 6 years ago
* company-ghc backend found: company-ghc
* automatic scan module is enabled
* ghc-boot process has not been done

Module                                  Alias               Candidates
Prelude                                 -                        nil

As the diag above, though company-ghc is added to backend, ghc-boot process cannot been done. What should I do?

My config:

(add-to-list 'company-backends 'company-ghc)
(set-company-backend! 'haskell-mode
  (add-hook 'haskell-mode-hook 'eglot-ensure)
iquiw commented 6 years ago

company-ghc assumes one already setup ghc-mod. See ghc-mod wiki Frontend.

I don't use eglot, so I am not sure, but if you are using eglot, I suppose you don't need company-ghc.

FirstLoveLife commented 6 years ago

Thanks for reply, I didn't setup ghc-mod indeed. I have remove company-ghc from backend, now eglot works fine with haskell language server and completion has no problem