iraf-community / x11iraf

X11/GUI utilities and applications for IRAF (xgterm, ximtool, xtapemon)
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Questions on xgterm #8

Open wuqso opened 5 years ago

wuqso commented 5 years ago

I was able to install x11iraf and I have two questions on xgterm.

  1. On the high DPI screen of my laptop, the xgterm window and the fonts therein are small even I use 'xgterm -fn 12x24'.
  2. There are three backslashes before the prompt in the xgterm window. screen
olebole commented 5 years ago

The backslashes probably come from escape sequences of your shell prompt. They will not appear in IRAF. For highdpi screens: Fixes are welcome. Just open a Pull Request ;-)

olebole commented 2 years ago

Just a hint for highdpi screens: you can use the fonts "lucidasanstypewriter-12" or "terminus-18" which give you larger screen. You may play with the size; lucidasanstypewriter isavailable in 8/10/12/14/18/24, and terminus in 12/14/16/18/20/22/24/28/32.

To play with it, just add it as a command line option, xgterm -fn lucidasanstypewriter-12 -e irafcl. To make it permanent, put it into the ~/.Xresources and merge it with xrdb ~/.Xresources.

For the Terminus font, you need to install the package xfonts-terminus, and (if you don't want to restart the X server) do a xset fp rehash.

Firestar-Reimu commented 3 months ago

I use Archlinux, I struggled for this afternoon to fix this.

  1. install xorg-mkfontscale, you have mkfontdir and mkfontscale
  2. install xorg-xlsfonts you have xlsfonts
  3. mkfontscale && mkfontdir && xset fp rehash, and then xlsfonts, see what fonts do you have? if there is no what you like you can install some packages like xorg-fonts-misc xorg-fonts-100dpi terminus-font
  4. test what font you like with xgterm -fn ???, for me it is lucidasanstypewriter-24
  5. add xgterm*font: lucidasanstypewriter-24 to ~/.Xresources and merge it with xrdb ~/.Xresources
  6. do a xset fp rehash, check xrdb -query