ircv3 / ircv3-ideas

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visual annotation of users affiliated with network administration #102

Open jesopo opened 1 year ago

jesopo commented 1 year ago

i guess this is sort of a verified checkmark. no idea how I'd go about implementing this, other than metadata once we finish it.

primary intended usecases is clearly visually denoting services bots and network staff in a way you cannot impersonate.

emersion commented 1 year ago

I've been implementing this in my clients with the network operator stuff already in the protocol.

jesopo commented 1 year ago

on second thoughts, I think I'd prefer to do it on a message-by-message basis. staff don't really want a badge on 24/7

emersion commented 1 year ago

Would a message-by-message thing be the same as the oper tag in

A message-per-message tag wouldn't allow clients to display an indicator outside of a message context (for instance, on a user info page). The information would get out-of-date until the staff sends a new message visible to the client.

The network operator in the current spec can be toggled on/off as desired.

jesopo commented 1 year ago

I'd intend the visual indication to be shown on the message, not the user

jesopo commented 1 year ago

consider this to how, on reddit, you can select whether you're speaking as a user or a mod

jesopo commented 1 year ago

and, as for the oper tag, maybe libera just needs to start sending that to users... scratch that, can't easily turn it on and off without deopering

SadieCat commented 1 year ago

How is this any different to ircv3/ircv3-specifications#494?

dgw commented 1 year ago

The draft/oper tag spec says it is added "to messages sent by a user who is currently an IRC operator". That doesn't seem to allow the intent expressed by @jesopo, to have this annotation attached only on-demand by the user speaking, a la reddit's "speaking as a mod" function that badges only specific comments when the user posting them chooses to do so.