ircv3 / ircv3-ideas

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`+content` tag. #111

Open ValwareIRC opened 10 months ago

ValwareIRC commented 10 months ago

Building on #108, +content seems a better choice because it means you can specify custom tag values, including values which indicate the media content is explicitly safe to view, as well as values which indicate other things like gore or whatever.

This allows users to specify their own tags, or suggest tags based on previously seen tags on their network, as the tag values may vary from network to network due to different languages. Essentially these could be considered a similar functionality to hashtags where the user is in control over which custom tags they use and which they want to automatically display or not display.

This allows clients to build a UI which lets people add tag values and choose how/if to display media with certain tag values.

A few examples of this:


Of course clients can have some intuition around meaningful or common tags like nsfw and hide them or not hide them based on user preference.

GIJack commented 10 months ago

Oppose. IRC doesn't support inline media.

IRC should not support inline media.


nektro commented 10 months ago

this feels very overkill for a chat protocol

ValwareIRC commented 10 months ago

Oppose. IRC doesn't support inline media.

IRC should not support inline media.


IRC already supports being able to post links to media. Several IRC clients support inline images.

Why should we not be able to know more about the media, and why should we not be able to specify our media as such?

this feels very overkill for a chat protocol

This is using client-to-client tags and is just information pertaining to what the user posted.

acidvegas commented 10 months ago

The beauty of IRC is the features it lacks in comparison to other social platforms, making its simplicity appealing to those trying to escape the "norm" or social media platforms.

IRC is king due to the fact that it is simply text based. It removes the distractions of a bunch of Memes and YouTube videos etc, and focuses simply on "having a conversation".

I for one am just giving my 2 cents. IRCv3 seems like they just want to turn IRC into Slack to try and modernize it tbh.

ValwareIRC commented 10 months ago

The beauty of IRC is it can be whatever you want it to be, featureless or featureful. I think it's important to keep up with other messaging apps and protocols, pretty much all of which allow sharing photos at the very least.

What IRCv3 is trying to do is provide extensions rather than change up the protocol, so people who want to run a modern chat with modern features can do so while others are still able to use the exact same software to run a "classic" server without anything modern.

I think it's important to look at other messaging platforms and their different purposes and take the best things and implement them in IRC, knowing that someone out there would like to use those specific features. I think it's also important to note that IRC is open-source and not paywalled.

Anyway, this is not the best place for this conversation perhaps :D