ircv3 / ircv3-ideas

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Pre-scripted responses #114

Open ValwareIRC opened 7 months ago

ValwareIRC commented 7 months ago

The idea is to define a standardized way to share pre-scripted responses, which can be bot commands or chat prompts. This is a versatile feature and can be used for a variety of use-cases, such as:

Here is how I've currently got this working on a chatbot with pre-scripted prompts. @draft/bot;bot;msgid=xgkGBaac0C3asbH5PWEQUp;time=2023-11-11T13:27:53.619Z;+script-message=["I'd\slike\sto\ssell\ssomething","I'd\slike\sto\sbuy\ssomething","What\sis\sthis\splace?","Something\selse"];+draft/display-name=Support\sAssistant :Support!bot@Clk-51EA65A7 PRIVMSG JADxZTLiHj :How can I help you today?

GIJack commented 7 months ago

This is best left for bots. So go write a bot ontop of IRC

ValwareIRC commented 7 months ago
  1. I already wrote a bot who uses this
  2. It's not just for bots, as you could tell if you actually read the idea, people can use it to generate polls and for collaborative decision making
  3. Bots are also clients and also use the Client2Client protocol