ircv3 / ircv3-ideas

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Discuss considerations to keep in mind while implementing +draft/typing #42

Closed jesopo closed 4 years ago

jesopo commented 5 years ago

Making this issue primarily to collect ideas.

KiwiIRC and Snoonet are currently in-the-wild showing typing status and I saw some backlash over it. Probably best we discuss the potentially unforeseen impact of this spec, what we think about it, what we think (if anything) could/should be done about it, etc.

prawnsalad commented 5 years ago

Quick note, Snoonet does not yet support message-tags which is needed for the typing draft. It's or any network that runs the latest webircgateway for their web clients.

DanielOaks commented 5 years ago

Should be noted, this thread's more about collecting potential implementation considerations on the typing spec. I mean we foresaw all sorts of potential things (including most of what's been mentioned), now that implementations are happening in the wild it's a good time to note these considerations down so future implementers have them already.

jwheare commented 5 years ago

Already covered in the spec no?

Typing status indicators introduce additional privacy concerns for users who may not wish to inform others of when they are creating or replying to a message. Clients are encouraged to provide appropriate privacy controls when enabling this feature.

jwheare commented 5 years ago

Unless there are other concerns that haven't actually been mentioned in this issue...

jesopo commented 5 years ago

The criticisms I observed were along the lines of

I don't really agree to the first two but I'm definitely on-board with the last two. Maybe the crux of the issue in the instance I observed was that it's opt-out, not opt-in. I'm not sure if I agree with it being opt-out and I agree the wording is already fairly good for it.

Maybe "disabling sending typing status also disables showing the typing status of other people" could be enough for this - maybe asking some big players to make it more obvious that it is happening could work but surely when people see other people's typing status, they'll realise they're probably sending it too. I don't know.

jwheare commented 5 years ago

The decision on whether to opt-out or opt-in will likely depend on individual client's userbase. How they choose to expose that setting is out of scope, and whether they want to have a toggle for hiding the ui element even for other people is also arguably out of scope. I think it's the sort of thing that gets decided based on feedback between client devs and their users.

jwheare commented 4 years ago

I think this is resolved, if not please shout and we can reopen.