ircv3 / ircv3-ideas

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`+suggested-reacts` and/or `+react-whitelist` client tags #77

Open progval opened 2 years ago

progval commented 2 years ago

I'd like to add a feature to Limnoria's Poll plugin, to allow voting using +draft/react; ie. in addition to sending a command, users could click on a react button under a bot message to vote.

This is easier/quicker/more intuitive to use; but for it to be easy to use, I would need the bot to suggest the correct reacts that can be used; without the bot sending +draft/react on its own message (it would increment the react counter); hence a +suggested-reacts tag to allow graphical clients to prominently display reacts the bot can interpret


:user PRIVMSG #chan :!moodpoll
@+suggested-reacts=😃\t😐\t😢 :Limnoria PRIVMSG #chan :How do you feel today?

And it would be displayed like this:

Capture d’écran 2021-09-06 à 00 16 55-fullpage

(shamelessly edited from IRCCloud's UI)

protocol-wise, users would just vote as per the current spec

Additionally, a +react-whitelist tag would be useful to recommend clients don't allow their users to use any react outside that list on a message with that tag. (And if clients send a "disallowed" tag anyway, other clients can/should ignore it).

For example, on IRCCloud this would disable the (+) button and the emoji picker.