ircv3 / ircv3-ideas

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Some useful ideas for implementation into ircv3+ #82

Open sahwar opened 2 years ago

sahwar commented 2 years ago

Unsorted, and sorry for it being a mess, but these ideas should prove to be very useful for ircv3+:

P.S. Please don't delete this issue ticket, just edit it in case it doesn't follow this repository's contributing guidelines well. There are probably some useful nuggets of gold there, just wait and read. Thanks in advance! 🙏

progval commented 2 years ago


  1. low-latency & support for SSL/https/ , GNUTLS, SASL

Already supported almost everywhere


SASL with CertFP (for a certificate with a password) does the job


That's up to clients

email account making&validation&username+email+password+chatlogs-history recovery via an irc-bot commands

  1. listed commands to show the technical specifications of the irc server software & listed of installed features/extensions & installed IRC chat-bots - with all of their commands (and a short explanation of what the commands do plus short examples)

  1. irc text chat command to list the current irc server link, its irc software&irc bots&plugins (&their versions), and to display server-set constraints/limits, e.g. sex MAX_FILESIZE/TEXTCHARSSTRINGLENGTH_PER_IRC_CHATMESSAGE and other such useful info.

Everything else seems out of scopes (eg. bridges, anything related to bots, etc.). IRCv3 works on the protocol, but these look like a feature wishlist for an app.

I'm not sure what the paragraphs between 5 and 6 are supposed to be, they look like reviews of unrelated apps/protocols.

jesopo commented 2 years ago

e2ee is at least something IRCv3 could make a better version of. there's an issue in this repo for it: #29