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iReceptor Gateway implementing use case scenarios #75

Closed bcorrie closed 1 year ago

bcorrie commented 3 years ago

From the project DOA:

Task 1.3: Extend iReceptor Scientific Gateway User Interface Duration M1 – M48; Task leader SFU; Participants: UTSW, Haifa, BIU, Sorbonne, Leitat, INESC, Oslo, Ascora, APHP, OUS This task encompasses the bulk of the development work required for this work package. The work performed will evolve the iReceptor Scientific Gateway based on user feedback and the needs of the other work packages. This work will include 1) extending and modifying the gateway to implement use cases, workflows, and usability improvements identified as important by the AIRR Community (WP1, Task 1.1 – Task 1.3), 2) extending the gateway such that it can scale to querying and federating data from 10s or 100s of repositories (WP2), 3) extending the gateway such that it utilizes the data security layers implemented by the AIRR Repositories and the AIRR REST API (WP3), 4) extending the gateway to improve the integration, management, and execution of advanced analysis pipelines (WP4), 5) extending the gateway to improve the integration and presentation to the end user of integrated ‘omics and clinical data (WP6), and 6) extending the gateway such that it can present the user with search results from federated repositories in a form that is consistent with single cell analyses (WP7). The development will take place using an Agile development methodology with iterative improvement being continual as capabilities from other work packages are integrated and user feedback is provided. A major milestone will occur mid-project with a beta release of the new platform planned at M24 (Task 1.7) and a final release at M48. This beta release will allow for a second round of use case development based on lessons learned in the first half of the project (Task 1.3, M30). All other platform components will work on the same release cycle, such that a fully integrated platform can be tested at the two key release milestones.

bcorrie commented 1 year ago

Expected time line for deliverable report to the Exec is end of November.

bcorrie commented 1 year ago

Done, submitted to EC through portal.