Closed clickbg closed 3 weeks ago
This is a very minor bug which unfortunately generates tickets from our systems since we monitor every cron output. Basically in
Generates output:
/etc/cron.daily/logrotate: Redirecting to /bin/systemctl restart rsyslog.service
Which causes our systems to log an incident since it`s not expected that a cronjob would generate unhanded messages in the error output.
Could you please change it to something like this, taken from the rsyslog logrotate job:
postrotate /usr/bin/systemctl -s HUP kill rsyslog.service >/dev/null 2>&1 || true endscript
Since currently we have to apply this fix after every iRedAPD upgrade.
Thank you for the amazing software!
Would you like to send a pull request? :)
Sure, sorry for not starting with this. I have created
This is a very minor bug which unfortunately generates tickets from our systems since we monitor every cron output. Basically in
Generates output:
Which causes our systems to log an incident since it`s not expected that a cronjob would generate unhanded messages in the error output.
Could you please change it to something like this, taken from the rsyslog logrotate job:
Since currently we have to apply this fix after every iRedAPD upgrade.
Thank you for the amazing software!