iridakos / goto

Alias and navigate to directories with tab completion in Linux
MIT License
873 stars 63 forks source link

Where Am I feature #72

Open enogrob opened 2 years ago

enogrob commented 2 years ago

I think it is an interesting missing feature. If you just type goto, it will return where you are e.g. the alias if it was registered otherwise return the directory as red. If you go to some directory and succeed it will also return the corresponding directory.

┌──(venv)(rnogueira㉿brcpqn0753)-[goto] (where-ami-in-goto)
└─$ goto
┌──(venv)(rnogueira㉿brcpqn0753)-[goto] (where-ami-in-goto)
└─$ goto today
└─$ goto