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Remove all bibtex warnings #1

Closed MLopez-Ibanez closed 4 years ago

MLopez-Ibanez commented 4 years ago

Currently we produce the following bibtex warnings. These warnings may hide new warnings being introduced that detect actual issues. It would be good to fix these warnings by adding the missing editors or organizations, then make travis fail if new warnings appear.

Warning--to sort, need author, editor, or key in CCIE2010 Warning--to sort, need author, editor, or key in CEC1999 Warning--to sort, need author, editor, or key in CEC2000 Warning--to sort, need author, editor, or key in CEC2001 Warning--to sort, need author, editor, or key in CEC2002 Warning--to sort, need author, editor, or key in CEC2003 Warning--to sort, need author, editor, or key in CEC2004 Warning--to sort, need author, editor, or key in CEC2005 Warning--to sort, need author, editor, or key in CEC2006 Warning--to sort, need author, editor, or key in CEC2007 Warning--to sort, need author, editor, or key in CEC2008 Warning--to sort, need author, editor, or key in CEC2009 Warning--to sort, need author, editor, or key in CEC2011 Warning--to sort, need author, editor, or key in CEC2012 Warning--to sort, need author, editor, or key in CEC2013 Warning--to sort, need author, editor, or key in CEC2014 Warning--to sort, need author, editor, or key in CEC2015 Warning--to sort, need author, editor, or key in CEC2016 Warning--to sort, need author, editor, or key in CEC2017 Warning--to sort, need editor, organization, or key in CGO2008 Warning--to sort, need author, editor, or key in CP2002 Warning--to sort, need editor, organization, or key in EALS2014 Warning--to sort, need editor, organization, or key in ESANN2014 Warning--to sort, need editor, organization, or key in ESANN2015 Warning--to sort, need author, editor, or key in EVOPROG98 Warning--to sort, need editor, organization, or key in FMCAD2007 Warning--to sort, need editor, organization, or key in FOCS2000 Warning--to sort, need author, editor, or key in FOGA1996 Warning--to sort, need author, editor, or key in ICANNGA1999 Warning--to sort, need editor, organization, or key in ICAPS-PAL2011 Warning--to sort, need editor, organization, or key in ICML1994 Warning--to sort, need editor, organization, or key in ICML2008 Warning--to sort, need editor, organization, or key in ICML2010 Warning--to sort, need editor, organization, or key in ICML2014 Warning--to sort, need editor, organization, or key in ICMLC2004 Warning--to sort, need editor, organization, or key in ICMLC2006 Warning--to sort, need editor, organization, or key in IJCAI2001 Warning--to sort, need editor, organization, or key in ISDA2005 Warning--to sort, need editor, organization, or key in MIC1997 Warning--to sort, need editor, organization, or key in MIC2013 Warning--to sort, need editor, organization, or key in MIC2015 Warning--to sort, need editor, organization, or key in NAFIPS2002 Warning--to sort, need author, editor, or key in NICSO2009 Warning--to sort, need editor, organization, or key in PACT2014 Warning--to sort, need editor, organization, or key in PDP2011 Warning--to sort, need author, editor, or key in SIGKDD2000 Warning--to sort, need editor, organization, or key in SSCI2016 Warning--to sort, need author, editor, or key in WCCI1994 Warning--to sort, need author, editor, or key in WCCI2002 Warning--empty author and editor in WCCI1994 Warning--empty author and editor in FOGA1996 Warning--empty author and editor in EVOPROG98 Warning--empty author and editor in CEC1999 Warning--empty author and editor in ICANNGA1999 Warning--empty author and editor in CEC2000 Warning--empty author and editor in SIGKDD2000 Warning--empty author and editor in CEC2001 Warning--empty author and editor in CEC2002 Warning--empty author and editor in CP2002 Warning--empty author and editor in WCCI2002 Warning--empty author and editor in CEC2003 Warning--empty author and editor in CEC2004 Warning--empty author and editor in CEC2005 Warning--empty author and editor in CEC2006 Warning--empty author and editor in CEC2007 Warning--empty author and editor in CEC2008 Warning--empty author and editor in CEC2009 Warning--empty author and editor in NICSO2009 Warning--empty author and editor in CCIE2010 Warning--empty author and editor in CEC2011 Warning--empty author and editor in CEC2012 Warning--empty author and editor in CEC2013 Warning--empty author and editor in CEC2014 Warning--empty author and editor in CEC2015 Warning--empty author and editor in CEC2016 Warning--empty author and editor in CEC2017

albertofranzin commented 4 years ago

Editors for at least some conference proceedings seems to be quite hard to find. If that's mandatory, this will remain open for quite a while. Until then, I would not make travis halt on warnings.

Many of them are proceedings classified as books, that's easy to fix but will just change the warning.

With proceedings it is possible to add a key field that will be used when listing them (not the same thing of the entry key). I did a test and added a key to CEC 201{5,6,7}, now they appear in testbib.pdf and not in the warnings, but with the keys in the author place, which seems rather bad. The bibtex documentation is quite fuzzy and does not help much.

Using organization = {{IEEE}} results in

[1072] Proceedings of the 2014 Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2014), Piscataway, NJ, 2014. IEEE, IEEE Press.

Provided that adding the editors is the best way of fixing the warning, is this workaround good enough?

MLopez-Ibanez commented 4 years ago

I think there are editors for most conferences (they are the general chairs or editors-in-chief). However, using a key is fine until someone bothers to add the editors, but it should be something that looks OK. Like "IEEE CEC 2015". I don't like using the organization field unless it is not already in the title of the conference and there is no publisher.

MLopez-Ibanez commented 4 years ago

Note that proceedings published by a publisher are books.

albertofranzin commented 4 years ago

I think there are editors for most conferences (they are the general chairs or editors-in-chief).

For some (e.g. ACM ones) yes, but IEEE conferences like to keep secrets. Maybe "Editor in chief and others" is a good compromise between listing the editors, not having to wild guess the number of editors included, maintaining consistency with other entries and spending the right amount of time.

However, using a key is fine until someone bothers to add the editors, but it should be something that looks OK. Like "IEEE CEC 2015". I don't like using the organization field unless it is not already in the title of the conference and there is no publisher.


Note that proceedings published by a publisher are books.

in crossref.bib both are used. But key works only with proceedings.

MLopez-Ibanez commented 4 years ago

All warnings are fixed and travis now checks for warnings.