iridia-ulb / references

Repository of shared bibtex files (references)
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Change repository type to private? #12

Closed allsey87 closed 2 years ago

allsey87 commented 2 years ago

Is there any reason why this repository is public?

MLopez-Ibanez commented 2 years ago

Yes, so that anyone can use it in their papers and people can contribute it they wish. Pull requests are welcome (or ask for write access).

Is there any reason why it should be private?

allsey87 commented 2 years ago

Is there any reason why it should be private?

Only as far as signaling intent goes. That is, if the repository is only for people belonging to the IRIDIA organization then it should be private, if it is for the general public, then it should be public.

MLopez-Ibanez commented 2 years ago

It is for the general public. In fact, apart from Thomas, Alberto and myself, I'm not sure anyone in IRIDIA is using it any more (I would be happy if they were using it since we put a lot of effort to document it and automatize it but alas, people seem to prefer the latest fad like Mendely or whatever is cool nowadays...)