iris-GmbH / meta-osselot

bitbake layer repository for intergrating osselot into the build process
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Evaluate options in regards to dealing with bitbake patch files #18

Open Jasper-Ben opened 9 months ago

Jasper-Ben commented 9 months ago

Currently, meta-osselot does not have a mechanism in place for dealing with patch files in bitbake layers

Jasper-Ben commented 7 months ago

Currently, we have two mechanisms in place that help dealing with source code differences between osselot curated data and openembedded source code (including patches):

  1. OSSELOT_IGNORE_SOURCE_GLOBS variable: This variable can be used to ignore any file (globs) which are irrelevant in regards to openembbeded license compliance. This could be test files or pre-run configure steps from release packages (see
  2. OSSELOT_HASH_EQUIVALENCE variable: This variable can be used to define equivalence (from a curation perspective) between one or more file versions. As openembedded patches usually do not add copyright holders or other license information (do validate this beforehand), this variable can be used to signal curation equivalence in these cases.

However, these two mechanisms currently do not cover cases where patches add additional, or change curation relevant data. I am yet to encounter a relevant case, but if this happens we need to deal with this. One option could be to add patches to the recipe, however I am not sure how well this would scale.