iris-hep / uscms-idap-training
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Jim's materials are at #2

Closed jpivarski closed 2 months ago

jpivarski commented 2 months ago

I'm sorry that I missed the meeting. @ianna pointed me here and I didn't think there would be an issue with my lecture/worksheet/answers repo at I thought that this was a GitHub org, and I would just fork my repo into that org.

But this is a GitHub repo: you're intending to merge all of the course materials into one repo? Mine won't work that way because I have a student worksheet in JupyterLite, which requires its own GitHub Actions deployment.

I've attached a link to my teaching materials in the normal way on Indico:


Will this be good enough?

alexander-held commented 2 months ago

Hi Jim, I think that's fine. I'll start a readme with links and will also point to the fact that we link this on the agenda directly so navigation should be ok.