Open Ctesias opened 8 years ago
I'm getting the same and think I've narrowed it to the frame.js/make_easy() method.
For reason's that I don't understand the use of the object created using Object.create from the passed CallSite object causes some of the methods to throw "illegal access" errors:
function make_easy(call_site) {
var frame = Object.create(call_site)
frame.this = frame.getThis()
frame.type = frame.getTypeName()
frame.is_top = frame.isToplevel()
If I use the call_site object to set the frame properties like this:
function make_easy(call_site) {
var frame = Object.create(call_site)
frame.this = call_site.getThis()
frame.type = call_site.getTypeName()
frame.is_top = call_site.isToplevel()
I don't have a problem. The thing that I don't understand is what is the difference between the object created by Object.create and the parameter?
looks like this module doesn't work with latest Node version. Works fine with Node v0.12 but doesn't work with Node v4.6.
Node 6.2.1 traceback 0.3.1 CentOS 7
When I run the following request with callback I get an "Internal Error" with "Illegal Access"
var request = require('request'); var traceback = require('traceback');
request( { url : endpoint, headers : {Authorization: auth}, method : 'POST', json : { //ommitted} }, function(err, response, body){ if (!err && response.statusCode == 200) { if ("error" in body){ var trace = traceback()[1]; log.error(
); sendResponse(null,JSON.stringify(body),res); } else{ sendResponse(null, body.result.volumes, res); } } else{ log.error({$response.statusCode}: {$err}
); sendResponse(err, body, res); } } );response:
{ code: "InternalError", message: "illegal access" }